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Effect of Zinc (Zn) on Corn and Wheat
Zinc deficiency is more common, especially since narrow-leaved plants are sensitive.
The Importance of Molybdenum in Plants
Plants can absorb Molybdenum from soil and leaves as Molybdate ion (Mo-2). Deficiency is seen in soils with pH lower than 5.5.
The Importance of Copper in Plants
When the copper content falls below normal, generative development in plants is more affected. Deformation, discoloration, lack of flowers, failure to form or flower abscission may be observed in the flowers.
Çinko 'nun Bitkilerde Önemi
Ülkemiz toprakları genel karakter itibarı ile yüksek pH ve kireç içeriğine sahiptir.
The Importance of Manganese in Plants
The factor that most affects manganese uptake is soil pH. Manganese intake is affected 100 times by a one-unit change in pH.
Demir 'in Bitkilerde Önemi
Ülkemiz topraklarında en fazla noksanlığı görülen elementlerden biridir. Ancak, noksanlığı toprakta az bulunmasından dolayı değil, yüksek pH ve yüksek kireç içeriğinden dolayıdır.
The Importance of Boron in Plants
Boron deficiency causes diseases such as core rot in sugar beets, brown sap in radishes, brown spots in potatoes, crown disease in tobacco, and fungal core disease in apples.
The Importance of Sulfur in Plants
What distinguishes nitrogen deficiency from sulfur deficiency is that sulfur deficiency, unlike nitrogen, is seen in young leaves.
The Importance of Magnesium in Plants
Magnesium is mobile in plants. Therefore, it accumulates most in the growth tips of plants and especially in young leaves. It is transported to the seed from these regions during seed formation.
Kalsiyum 'un Bitkilerde Önemi
Kalsiyum yeni gelişen hücre dokularının uç noktalarının gelişmesinde, köklerin ve çiçeklerin normal oluşumunda etkilidir. Kalsiyum hücre duvarının arasında bulunur. Hücre duvarının yapı taşıdır.
The Importance of Potassium in Plants
Potassium does not enter the plant structure much like nitrogen and phosphorus. It mostly makes itself felt in some vital events of the plant.
The Importance of Phosphorus in Plants
Phosphorus deficiency causes most of the plant's generative damage. Phosphorus deficiency manifests itself primarily in old leaves (mobile).
The Importance of Nitrogen in Plants
Among the nutrients, nitrogen deficiency makes itself felt most quickly. Therefore, nitrogen is the most important plant nutrient and is the most used in fertilization.