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The Importance of Potassium Use in Plants

It helps prevent calyx cracks in ornamental plants. It is a very important element in quality criteria such as color, smell, taste and storage of fruits and ornamental plants.

23/08/2023 11:36

How to use Worm Casting?

Vermicompost can be used in all kinds of agricultural production, new plantings, open field plantings, vegetables and fruits, garden plants, garden and balcony vegetable growing and lawn areas.

27/12/2018 16:59

What are the benefits of potassium to plants?

Effects on Yield: It helps to increase fruit, grain and tuber weights, number of flowers, seeds and fruits, fruit bud formation and fruit set.

03/07/2018 13:33

Seaweed Fertilizer Application Trial

Quality and quantity determine the general plant health and the plant's resistance to various stress conditions such as drought and salinity.

18/05/2018 15:43

Why should we use amino acids?

Application: It can be applied by foliar or drip irrigation during the transplantation period, at the beginning of flowering, at the beginning of fruit, and during the development period of the fruits.

15/05/2018 16:46

Sulu Hümik Asit (Leonardit ) Faydaları

Leonardit, yüksek oranda humik asitler ile karbon, makro ve mikro besin elementleri içeren, kömür düzeyine ulaşmamış tamamen doğal organik maddedir.

16/02/2018 14:32

Sulu Kükürt'ün Faydaları

Sulu Kükürt, genel olarak element şeklinde olduğundan toprağı ıslah etmede ve toprağın pH seviyesini ayarlamada kullanılan bir ürün çeşididir.

16/02/2018 00:00

Benefits of Sulfur to Soil

Sulfur is an application deemed necessary to maintain normal soil pH value. In other words, sulfur comes to the fore as a medicine deemed necessary to meet the needs of the soil.

15/02/2018 23:35
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