Features and Difference: Chrysamed is different from other drugs. Chrysamed Insecticide is a broad spectrum odorless insecticide produced with the Patented CHRYSA Nanocapsule technology developed in Austria. Chrysamed Insecticide is a unique new generation insecticide that is water-based, does not contain PBO, solvent and propellant, does not leave stains or residue, and can be applied to all kinds of surfaces (fabric, wood, metal, plastic, leather, etc.). Mosquito, Housefly, Cockroach, Ant, Lice, Flea, Mite, Mite, Bedbug, Spider, Tick, Scorpion etc. It has a permanent killing and repellent effect against flying and walking pests for up to 3 months.
FORMULATION: Permethrin 0.12% Esbiothrin 0.06% Emulsifier and Water Patent No: TR200500879
Usage Area: Its usage area is very wide. Houses, sites, workplaces, hotels, restaurants, markets, bakeries, schools, animal shelters and farms, etc. It is used in all open and closed areas.
You can protect yourself from ticks, mosquitoes and other pests by spraying it on picnic areas, on the ground, around you, on your clothes and shoes. Don't forget; Not only TICK, even a simple mosquito bite can transmit a dangerous virus.
By spraying Chrysamed insecticide on your bed, around your bed, suitcase and bags in hotel rooms during travels , you protect yourself from Bed Bugs, Mites, Mites, Lice, Fleas, Scabies and other parasites and prevent these pests from moving from hotels to your home. Do not forget that; Just because a hotel is luxurious or very clean does not mean that it does not have bedbugs. These parasites feed on blood, not dirt, and live where there is blood.
Bedbug is a parasite that lives in clusters in the shelters and beds of warm-blooded people (Hotels, Houses, Student Dormitories, Hostels, Guest Houses, Animal Shelters, etc.) and feeds on their blood. Since bedbugs mostly live in beds, they are called 'Bed Bug' in many languages. To get rid of these Parasites, clean your bedroom including bed, carpet, wardrobe, floors and walls.
Spray thoroughly with Chrysamed insecticide . If there is a bedbug problem that continues for a long time, you may need to repeat this spraying several times every 10-15 days. As a protective measure, spraying 1-2 times a year is sufficient. With this spraying, you can also protect yourself against parasites such as mites, mites, lice, fleas and scabies that can be found in beds.
To protect yourself from flying insects such as mosquitoes and flies, clean the interior and exterior of your home, such as floors, walls, garbage cans, furniture, etc. Spray the places where flies may land with Chrysamed until they are slightly wet. Also, thoroughly spray your thick and tulle curtains from inside and outside, the inner and outer frames of doors and windows, and balconies and terraces.
To be protected from cockroaches and other walking insects, thoroughly treat the floors, walls, under furniture, under and behind kitchen counters and machines with Chrysamed.
To get rid of moths and be protected, it is sufficient to empty your clothes and kitchen cabinets once or twice a year and thoroughly spray them with Chrysamed.
To get rid of ants , it is sufficient to thoroughly spray the ants' wandering areas and paths with Chrysamed.