Npk Gübresi Floral 20 20 20 + ME 1 Kg
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17,89 USD
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17,35 USD
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FLORAL 20-20-20 + ME
Total Nitrogen (N) | 20% |
Nitrate Nitrogen (N) | 5.5% |
Ammonia Nitrogen (N) | 8% |
Urea Nitrogen (N) | 6.5% |
Water soluble Phosphorus PentaOxide (P2O5) | 20% |
Water soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) | 20% |
DTPA chelated water soluble Iron (Fe) | 0.20% |
Water soluble Boron (B) | 0.05% |
EDTA chelated water soluble Manganese (Mn) | 0.10% |
EDTA chelated water soluble Zinc (Zn) | 0.01% |
EDTA chelated water soluble Copper (Cu) | 0.01% |
Water soluble Molybdenum (Mo) | 0.005% |
pH | 7 - 8 (in 10% solution) |
E.C. | 1,886 mS/cm (1gr/lt) |
Floral 20 20 20 is the right nutrient for all cultivated plants. It has a formulation that adds a perfect balance to the high absorption properties of macro and micro elements for foliar application. The high purity and quality of the nutrients it contains ensure complete solubility of the product and obtain a low-salt solution.
The formulation contains spreading adhesives and substances that aid the movement of nutrients within the plants, thus ensuring product absorption on the leaves and rapid transport of nutrients where needed. Chelated microelements and systematic use of the product ensure complete prevention of the most common disorders caused by imbalances or deficiency due to the absence of micronutrients.
FLORAL 20-20-20 can be used with good results in all plant productions, in every period of the vegetation cycle of the crops.
Its balanced formulation is especially suitable for post-flowering applications so that fruits/vegetables reach the required size and perfect physiological ripening.
In protected areas (greenhouses, tunnels, etc.), the dosage of the product should not exceed 200 g in every 100 liters of water (0.2%). Applications should be made during the coolest hours of the day.
Floral 20-20-20 can be mixed with CIFO products and pesticides at the user's dosage, with the exception of white oils, oil-based pesticides, PHOSETYL-AL, dodine, trifrin and all preparations with a high alkaline reaction. We always recommend performing preliminary miscibility tests.
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