Yonca Tohumu Kaplamalı Bilensoy 80 Sertifikalı - 10 Kg
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50,25 USD
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BİLENSOY 80 - Medicago Sativa-Clover Seed
Plant height is 85-90 cm, flower color varies from purple to purple and the flowers are in the form of a cluster, cluster length is 4.70 cm, there are 7-10 pods in a cluster, 4 of which hold seeds, seed color is light tan, dark and light yellow, 1000 grains. Its weight varies between 2.09-2.47 g. It is the first synthetic variety registered in our country. It is grown in irrigated conditions. It is resistant to winter, drought and lodging.
Recommended regions: Central Anatolia and transition regions.
Soil Request:
The ideal soil requirement should be lime-rich sandy loam and sufficiently moist.
Soil Preparation:
The field where clover will be planted should not be coarse and too loose. Weed control must be done during soil preparation.
Fertilization before planting alfalfa gives good results. Fertilization after mowing is done for high yield, and fertilization after 4-5 mowing is done to extend the economic life of the clover. If pH>7.5, ammonium sulphate and if pH <7.2, ammonium nitrate will be sufficient to apply 10-15 kg/da of fertilizer. With planting, 2 kg/da of nitrogen and 5.5 kg/da of phosphorus should be used, and in the third year, 9-12 kg/da of tsp (trible super phosphate of 46%) should be used.
October Time:
Clover planting time is done in autumn in warm regions and in spring in other regions. Last planting is done after spring frosts.
Clover planting is done in two ways; It is done as row sowing and broadcast sowing. In plantings made with a seeder, the row spacing for grass is 18-20 cm and 2-2.5 kg/da of seeds are sown. In manual sowing, 4-5 kg/da of seeds are sown.
Fighting Dodder:
The most important problem is dodder in clover. After the seeds germinate, the small dodder seedlings are wrapped in clover. It feeds by sucking the sap of the plant with its suckers. It causes the death of the plant.
The first cutting should be done between the first bloom and 25% bloom. This means that there will be approximately 30-40 days between two formats.
It should be done 6-8 weeks before frosts. 4-5 mowings can be done per year.
Dry grass yield is 1 ton in Central Anatolia and transition regions. The hay yield in the coastal zone is on average 2 tons of hay.
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