
Proton 400 Gr Deniz Yosunu Gübresi

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13,92 USD
14,65 USD
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13,50 USD (% 3,00 remittance discount)


PROTON, used in agriculture It is obtained from the fresh processing of ascophyllum nodosum, the seaweed variety containing the most biologically active and richest nutrients. These algae, which do not have a root system, can feed on salty seawater, can survive under ice for a long time and can grow for meters under limited growth conditions, have been and continue to be an important material for researchers that can support the agricultural world.

PROTON® is natural in plants It is a natural organic nutrient consisting of amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and various nutritional elements, in addition to cytokinin, betaine, auxin and gibberellin. All these substances are directly related to plant health, nutrition and product quality. Cytokinin, the main active ingredient of PROTON®, acts together with other plant growth regulators and promotes cell activities and protein synthesis.

Proton macro and micro It is an organic fertilizer containing nutrients. It does not pollute the environment, is not phytotoxic, can be mixed with drugs, is systemic and is absorbed by the plant in a short time.

Benefits of Proton


√ It increases the transmission and availability of plant nutrients and water to the plant.
√ Increases the production of sugars, proteins and organic acids necessary for healthy plant development.
√ It helps the plant's cell membranes, proteins and chlorophylls to stabilize, thus delaying aging.
√ It helps, facilitates and encourages the plant's production of protective proteins.
√ Promotes the production of Phytoalexins, known as compounds that resist fungal diseases.
√ It helps the formation of peroxidase compounds, which are known to strengthen the plant against pests and diseases.
√ Increases the plant's resistance to adverse environmental conditions.
√ Increases healthy root and capillary root development.
√ Ensures healthy plant development by encouraging rooting.


Proton Success Proven with Applications

Thanks to proton, increased photosynthesis and plant sugar production required for maximum fruit set and early development is provided.

By increasing cell activities of the nutrients found in Proton and other natural plant growth regulators Provides increases in quality and efficiency.

Proton promotes the formation of antioxidants that prevent the deterioration of plant tissues and thus increases the shelf life of fruits. It delays deterioration in the branch or after harvest and reduces losses, thus increasing the return of the product.

Proton increases the osmotic potential of the plant cell, increasing the water retention capacity of the cell (turgor pressure/cell). increases the amount of water). In this way, higher quality products are obtained in terms of fruit size, color, shape and uniformity.

Phytoalexins, which are the first defense compounds against various environmental stress conditions, are produced naturally by proton plants. Promotes synthesis.

Proton strengthens plant defense mechanisms in the fight against pests and diseases. This mechanism is called acquired systemic resistance (SAR); Prevents the development of pests and diseases.

Organic Availability of nutrients with chelation effect, natural alginic acid and mannitol found in PROTON Chelating properties such as are increased thanks to long carbon chains. Unlike synthetic chelates, these compounds bind to nutrients with weaker bonds, increasing the passage of nutrients into plant tissue and their biological availability.



Contents %w/w
Organic Substances: 45
Protein 06-08
carbohydrates 35-50
alginic acid 1.5
mannitol 04-07
Aclenin (Cytokinin) 0.02
IAA 0.03
ABA 0.01
Betaines 0.04
Amino acid 0.15
Macro Elements
Total Nitrogen (N) 2
Phosphorus (P) 3
Potassium (K) 10
Calcium (Ca) 0.2
Sulfur (S) 1.5
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5
Sodium (Na) 1.8
Micro Elements:
Iron (Fe) 200ppm
Copper (Cu) 6ppm
Manganese (Mn) 12ppm
Zinc (Zn) 100ppm
Boron (B) 100ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) 4ppm

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Kullanım Tavsiyeleri

Ürün Uygulama Zamanı Miktarı
Sera bitkileri için 15 günde bir, dikimle birlikte son hasada kadar. 80 g/da
Meyve ağaçlarında Çiçeklenmeden önce ve hasat sonrası 100 gr/100L suya
Fasulye v.b. Çiçeklenmeden önce 60 g/da
Patates v.b. Çiçeklenmeden önce ve 15 gün ara ile 50 g/da
Kesme çiçek Tomurcuklanmadan önce haftalık 70 g/da
Pamuk 3-5 yaprak olunca ve 15 gün ara ile 80 g/da
Mısır 20-40 cm olunca 100 g/da
Hububat Kardeşlenme başlangıcında ve 15 gün ara ile
Damla sulama ile
100 g/da
50-150 g/da
Tohumlar için 1 lt. suya 1-5 gr. PROTON konularak tohumlar 1-2 saat bekletilir. Hafif kuruduktan sonra ekim yapılır.

PROTON meyve, sebze, tarla bitkilerinde olduğu gibi süs bitkilerinde de başarı ile kullanılmaktadır. Yapraklardan pülverize edilerek ve/veya damla sulama ile kullanılabilir.

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Proton  400 Gr Deniz Yosunu Gübresi


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