Rebiotic Mısır Silaj Bakterisi İnokulant 5 Litre
The Price Specified is the Price of Rebiotic Silage Additive 5 Liters; Make Your Choice for Different Purchases.
Rebiotic Whole Silage Corn Inoculant is a microbial additive used to improve the fermentation process in silages and curled grains.
Whole silage inoculant Inoculants ensure that physiological fermentation occurs in the shortest time, preserving the nutritional content of the silage and the stability of the silage in the oxygenated environment after opening.
Silage additive reduces nutrient losses that may occur due to heating and the formation of yeast, mold and mycotoxins.
- Preserves the Protein Value of Silage.
- Increases Feed Consumption.
- Provides Full Protection to Your Silage in All Seasons.
- It will reduce nutrient losses to zero.
Rebiotic ensures more effective preservation of silage and prevents nutrient losses for maximum efficiency in protein values; Provides high efficiency and protection.
• It lowers silage PH.
• Reduces dry matter loss.
• Increases the digestibility of silage.
• Keeps silage fresh for longer.
• Increases aerobic stability and provides optimum protection for silage with higher nutritional value.
• It improves the fermentation process and provides a better fermentation.
• While the Homofermentative bacteria species it contains ensure that the pH level drops rapidly and maintains this level, the Heterofermentative species prevent the silage from heating up and deteriorating after opening by creating acetic acid.
• It is not corrosive or toxic and is prepared entirely with organic live bacteria.
• Lactobacilli in REBIOTIC COMPLETE SILAGE break down amino acids, peptides, nucleic acid derivatives, vitamins, salts and fatty acids, as well as carbohydrates.
• Do not allow the product to freeze. (Do not store in an environment below 0 degrees)
• Do not use after the expiration date.
• Use within 24 hours after dilution.