Speedfol Starter SC Npk 1 Litre
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0,50 USD
Drip Fertilizers
, Leaf Fertilizer
, Liquid Fertilizers
, Npk & trace element fertilizer
, NPK Fertilizer Types
, Trace element fertilizers
, Fertilizers Containing Nitrogen (N)
, Fertilizers Containing Phosphorus (P)
, Fertilizers Containing Potassium (K)
, Fertilizers Containing Copper (Cu)
, Fertilizers Containing Boron (B)
, Molibden (Mo) İçerikli Gübreler
, Fertilizers Containing Zinc (Zn)
, Fertilizers Containing Iron (Fe)
, Edta Chelated Fertilizer
Stock code
0,49 USD
(% 3,00 remittance discount)
Speedfol Starter SC (It is a high concentration suspension formulation containing NPK + 6 trace elements.)
Speedfol™ Starter SC offers a well-balanced blend of essential nutrients. Speedfol™ Starter SC is a product applied to correct and prevent nutrient imbalances caused by deficiency or excess to achieve improved initial growth and early harvest. It contains high amounts of phosphorus (P). Phosphorus is used in energy transmission and assimilation in the plant via ATP. Phosphorus promotes meristemic development in the plant, especially the development in the roots. Speedfol™ Starter SC is an ideal root development regulator for seedlings, saplings and young plants, and is a suitable product to be used in stressful periods when root development is required or reduced. It promotes seed formation and the provision of necessary energy in photosynthesis and carbohydrate transport processes. It ensures the storage of nutritional reserves for the next season through post-harvest practices.
Speedfol Starter SC |
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