Storm Pasta Rat Poison 150 Gr
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0,50 USD
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0,49 USD
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Storm Mouse Cake bait is a ready-to-use rodent bait in a chassis developed for the fight against mice and rats in and around homes and commercial buildings.
How to use:
In the rat fight; Feed stations are placed at intervals of 5-10 meters depending on density and 50-100 g is added to each bait station. bait is placed. It is checked every 3-7 days and replenished if there is any deficiency. In Rat Control: Depending on the density, bait stations are placed at intervals of 3-5 meters, 15-30 g of bait is placed in each station, checked every 3-7 days and replenished if any is missing.
Pest Type - Life stage Application area and form
Application dose Application range: Rat Fight Closed and open areas where rats are seen 50-100gr. bait 5-10 m Mouse Fight Closed and open areas where mice are seen 15-30 gr. bait 3-5m
The effect of rat poison baits on mice

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