Vebi Draker 10.2 Genel Haşere İlacı Konsantre 1 Litre
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0,50 USD
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0,49 USD
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The free active ingredients contained in Draker® act immediately after application, through inhalation and contact. A few minutes after the application, insects (ticks, fleas, cockroaches, flies, etc.) that show signs of poisoning lose their coordination abilities and cannot fly or walk. Insects (ticks, fleas, flies, cockroaches, etc.) tend to leave their protected areas and escape from the application area. . (Flushout Effect)Cypermethrin microcapsules do not have an insect repellent effect. Microcapsules adhere to the feet, body and antennae of insects that do not escape from the environment and pass over the applied surface. Then, the active ingredient is slowly absorbed through the cuticle. When the insects that have taken the microcapsules (Tick, Flea, Cockroach, Flies, etc.) return to their nests or hiding areas, the microcapsules are transmitted to other insects through contact, and thus insects that do not enter the application area are also affected. (Domino Effect) The smallest microcapsules mix with dust and other substances in the environment and are eaten by insects, causing their death.
APPLICATIONS Home, warehouse, hotel, school, hospital, public buildings, food industry, public transportation, barn, farm, garden, restaurant, bakery, etc.
DOUBLE EFFECTIVE POWER Draker®, a highly innovative insecticide formulated for both free and microencapsulated states, provides the following superior effects. Instant knockdown and killing effect on pests in the fight against ticks, ants, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes, houseflies and sandflies. .Long-term control effect in the environment without removing the pest. EFFECTIVE for 90 days in closed areas, 21 days in open areas. ODORLESS AND STAINLESS. Original product imported according to the Biocidal Regulation. Draker® reduces the frequency of drug application. Does not create an irritating or corrosive effect. It is odorless and does not stain surfaces .Easily miscible with water. Does not clog sprayers.
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